Friday 20 March 2020

Two Repentances

The question was asked:
Should one repent EVERYDAY as a follower of Christ?
My answer:
In a sense we Christians use the word repentance in two similar but subtly different ways. There is the sense in which each sin, and especially each habitual fleshy sin, must be repented of continuously - literally turning and keep turning back to the way of righteousness daily or even by the hour or minute, and we need to help each other to do this too (that is what the washing of the feet symbolised and why we must not stop meeting together to spur each other on to love and good deeds - i.e. accountability in fellowship and submission to church discipline). There is also the first and greatest sense of repentance that happens only once in a believer's life and that is the changing of the mind about who Jesus is and what He has done on the cross for our salvation and His glory - the repentance which is unto life. The greatest sin is to reject salvation in Christ and so it is the first and most pressing repentance we preach as we evangelise the lost. This is a one-off repentance that leads to a life of walking humbly with our God, loving His mercy and acting justly (forgiving others) and having an attitude of continual repentance. Amen?

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