Saturday 31 December 2016

Resolution 25 and New Year's Summary.

The final of my resolutions, just in time for New Years. Below I have given all 25 so they can be copied and pasted and modified and used for your own should you want.

Resolution 1
I am resolved ...
To live each hour as if the next one contained the rapture and the inevitable meeting of my Lord Jesus, whom I wish dearly to hear say to me at that glorious time: 'well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

Resolution 2
I am resolved ...
To not look down on others who are living in sin but to walk humbly with my God, acting justly and loving mercy - because, in my own sinful past and present, I have required much mercy and grace from Him.

Resolution 3
I am resolved ...
To watch for, above all things, the growth of pride in my life. To understand myself blessed in spite of myself and my sinfulness and thus understand that I have no justification for pride nor vanity. Furthermore I will not expect nor demand such an attitude in others.

Resolution 4
I am resolved ...
To endeavour to discover worthy objects in my sphere for charity and liberality. To give cheerfully where I am able - and even occasionally so that it hurts - that I might know that I am no slave to the pursuit of wealth or happiness.

Resolution 5
I am resolved ...
To never to do anything out of revenge.

Resolution 6
I am resolved ...
To use the same scales and measures I use on others on myself. To not judge hastefully (unless this is unavoidable) nor hypocritically - and repent humbly when I discover I have done so.

Resolution 7
I am resolved ...
To recognize my human fragility of intellect, strength and faithfulness - first and foremost among men, but also to recognize this fallen truth of all men, particularly teachers past and present - knowing no full human authority other than the apostles and other authors of scripture.

Resolution 8
I am resolved ...
To recognize my God-gifted strengths and work his will in my life accordingly but also to test my grain and occasionally operate outside my comfort and ability for his great glory - relying on his mighty arm where mine fails.

Resolution 9
I am resolved ...
To act with prudent haste in all the Lord's work for me while taking care to avoid presumption.

Resolution 10
I am resolved ...
To recognize each assignment from God as a gift - a real occasion to live out my faith and begin to thank him in more than words.

Resolution 11
I am resolved ...
To recognize each discipline from God as the love of a concerned parent. To humbly track back what behaviour might have caused such chastisement and to repent of it swiftly and with gratitude for his correction. To continue to ask him to refine me and prune me that I might be a man after his heart and a delight to him who has given more than I can ever know.

Resolution 12
I am resolved ...
To contend for the faith and the true gospel to my last breath without shame nor hesitation so help me o God.

Resolution 13
I am resolved ...
To love the Word and examine the scripture and - should it so lead me - to abandon cherished notions and traditions or ideas that are extra to or contrary to scripture.

Resolution 14
I am resolved ...
To study the scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, that it becomes evident – even obvious – to myself that my knowledge of them has grown. With diligence and the help of the Holy Spirit to write them on my heart.

Resolution 15
I am resolved ...
To look after my weaker brothers and sisters in the faith. To disciple them and shepherd them where I may without quarrelling over disputable matters or hollow philosophy.

Resolution 16
I am resolved ...
To look up to stronger brothers and sisters in the faith. To support them and pray for them and thank God for them and their example.

Resolution 17
I am resolved ...
To keep a civil tongue and a mild manner and pray for the Holy Spirit's help in this - that I may conform to the image of my beloved Saviour and be a man of salt and light, in the world but not of it.

Resolution 18
I am resolved ...
To never consider something a prayer, nor utter a petition that, when making it I cannot actually hope that God will answer; nor offer as a confession anything which I cannot hope God will accept. Rather to ask in line with his revealed wisdom and confess with pure honesty to him from whom no need nor deed can be hidden.

Resolution 19
I am resolved ...
To grow in stature as a prayer warrior, waking up every morning in conversation with the Lord and speaking with him throughout each day, both alone and with others, in times of strife and times of blessing or even in the mundane.

Resolution 20
I am resolved ...
To pray constantly for other people. To seek specifics and to ask God to help me so grow as a prayer minister.

Resolution 21
I am resolved ...
To seek God's mission for my life but understand that I am a father and a husband, a son and a colleague and a friend, and thus my first mission field are those I intersect with in my daily life. They are my first Devine appointments.

Resolution 22
I am resolved ...
To watch for slothfulness in my life and strike a balance between diligence and rest. To seek the highest quality of self discipline daily so that I might achieve much in my short life this side of heaven, rejoicing in the gift of time, health, strength and talents as God has seen fit to bless me. Let everything I do be done for His glory.

Resolution 23
I am resolved ...
To look up, to watch, as we have been commanded, for the day of his coming. To carefully examine the world's birth pangs, to look for the green twig on the fig tree and the inevitable falling together of events predicted in prophecy. To use these as encouragement to my fellow elect and warning to the lost, but to do so with great care, for none truly knows the exact hour of his coming.

Resolution 24
I am resolved ...
To not quench the spirit nor despise prophetic utterances but to rather examine everything carefully holding fast to that which is good while abstaining from every form of evil. To seek providence rather than prophecy for the scripture is closed.

Resolution 25
I am resolved ...
That if ever I fail or grow weary or whenever I begin to neglect the keeping of any part of these resolutions; I will repent of everything I can remember that I have violated or neglected …as soon as I come to my senses again.

Friday 30 December 2016

2016 Reading Load

Here pictured has been my reading load for 2016. Missing is Bernhard Cornwall’s: “1356”, Terry Pratchett’s: “Raising Steam” (the only two fiction books I’ve read this year) and Dr. James White’s book “What every Christian needs to know about the Quar’an” which I have leant to friend.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Resolution 24

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 24:
I am resolved ...
To not quench the spirit nor despise prophetic utterances but to rather examine everything carefully holding fast to that which is good while abstaining from every form of evil. To seek providence rather than prophecy for the scripture is closed.

1 Thessalonians 5:19 - 22
1 John 4:1
Jude 3
2 Peter 1:3
Galatians 1:6-8
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Deuteronomy 12:32
Matthew 15:3-9
Revelation 22:18-19

Tuesday 27 December 2016

George Michael and a swipe at Christians in General.

The above post appeared on my facebook feed. 

My Response: 

The Bible is clear 

A) all sin is damnable (homosexuality, as well as extramarital sex, as well as lying, stealing, dishonouring parents and blasphemy etc etc) and so everyone is in trouble, not just gay people. 

B) nothing we do in our lives counts for justifying us before God - we can do all sorts of good things and God would not owe us a thing - after all, we owe him for our lives - he made us and sustains us and gave us this beautiful world. Yet none of us give God his due and in point of fact we actually mostly despise and ignore him. We try to decide how he must be and if he does not conform to our image of him we reject his Word.

C) But God loves us so much that, in spite of all of this, he has chosen to save us at the greatest possible cost to himself (John 3:16). Only he could live a righteous life and therefore only his sacrifice is large enough (being an infinite being) to cover all sin and bring us home. All sin is wrong, and all self justification is wrong - only trusting and loving Christ is right. Repenting - turning from sin is vital. We are not to just accept sin and, if we are honest, relish it. But - don't take my word for it - read the book of John.

If George Michael is damned it is not because he was gay - it is because he, like everyone, was and is a sinner before an angry God; a sinner who died without knowing the peace with God that comes only through his Son Jesus. 

The challenge for Christians is to stop making homosexuality the umbrella problem rather than sin while making no bones about it - homosexuality is a serious sin against God. 
Consider at length 1 Corinthians 6:9cf
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Finally let us be sensitive to those who loved the man and pray for them. Personally, I liked his music.

Resolution 23


   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 23:
I am resolved ...
To look up, to watch, as we have been commanded, for the day of his coming. To carefully examine the world's birth pangs, to look for the green twig on the fig tree and the inevitable falling together of events predicted in prophecy. To use these as encouragement to my fellow elect and warning to the lost, but to do so with great care, for none truly knows the exact hour of his coming.

Philippians 3:14

Psalm 123:1

Luke 21:28

1 Thessalonians 4:18

Hebrews 10:24,25
Matthew 24:36

Monday 26 December 2016

Resolution 22

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 22:
I am resolved ...
To watch for slothfulness in my life and strike a balance between diligence and rest. To seek the highest quality of self discipline daily so that I might achieve much in my short life this side of heaven, rejoicing in the gift of time, health, strength and talents as God has seen fit to bless me. Let everything I do be done for His glory.

Proverbs 12:24
Colossians 3:23
Proverbs 15:19
1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday 19 December 2016

Favourite Sermons - SM Lockridge


Every now and again – because we are so blessed with access to recorded sermons of great men far away and in the past – I come across a sermon that leaves me breathless, a sermon I can listen to again and again. Occasionally I will post these on my blogs to share them with you. Today’s selected sermon is by …

SM Lockridge

This is preaching on fire – it just builds and builds. I wish there were far more recordings of this blessed preacher, most famous for his “that’s my king – do you know him” monologue. If I ever preach may I preach like this.

see also: 

Friday 16 December 2016

Resolution 21

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number  21:
I am resolved ...
To seek God's mission for my life but understand that I am a father and a husband, a son and a colleague and a friend, and thus my first mission field are those I intersect with in my daily life. They are my first Devine appointments.

Acts 8:35
Proverbs 3:6
Proverbs 22:6
Ephesians 6:4
Deuteronomy 6:7
Ephesians 5:23

Thursday 15 December 2016

Favourite Sermons – R C Sproul

Every now and again – because we are so blessed with access to recorded sermons of great men far away and in the past – I come across a sermon that leaves me breathless, a sermon I can listen to again and again. Occasionally I will post these on my blog to share them with you. Today’s selected sermon is by …
This is such a beautifully delivered message by a man who loves God and the church. The topic is God’s sovereignty and man’s free will. His explanation is as clear as you can get with this difficult issue...

Discover more Ligonier resources at

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Resolution 20

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 20:
I am resolved ...
To pray constantly for other people. To seek specifics and to ask God to help me so grow as a prayer minister.

Philippians 2:3-4
Matthew 5:44
Luke 23:34
Ephesians 6:18
1 Thessalonians 5:25
James 5:14-16

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Resolution 19

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 19:
I am resolved ...
To grow in stature as a prayer warrior, waking up every morning in conversation with the Lord and speaking with him throughout each day, both alone and with others, in times of strife and times of blessing or even in the mundane.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Friday 9 December 2016

Resolution 18

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 18:
I am resolved ...
To never consider something a prayer, nor utter a petition that, when making it I cannot actually hope that God will answer; nor offer as a confession anything which I cannot hope God will accept. Rather to ask in line with his revealed wisdom and confess with pure honesty to him from whom no need nor deed can be hidden.

James 1:6
Matthew 6:9-13

Thursday 8 December 2016

A Call To Discernment – The Shack

The Shack Movie is coming soon folks. Please DO NOT PROMOTE IT or SUPPORT IT. Instead read articles like this:

Understand the problems with this very popular Christian book and then tell others so that we can avoid this blasphemous heresy.

See also

For some more excellent points.

So many are defending this book – saying that it is the Pilgrim’s Progress or the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe for today. But this is a false argument because none of those other books put words in God’s mouth. None of them teach a heretical view of God.

Many people are saying the Shack is encouraging or that it brought them to faith or back to faith. The Bible was written by God to do this and doesn’t need help. Many people come to a faith and are encouraged by the Qur’an or the Bhagavata. Many people will gather teachers or the books they write to tickle their ears – this is just such a case. This book is far more dangerous and divisive than well meaning Christians realise. Please pray for discernment and chuck it out –

along with

Heaven Is For Real

The Alpha Course
(but maybe these discernment pits are topics for a different blog)

 EDITORIAL NOTE: The following documentary on the Shack is very clear: 

 and a sermon

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Resolution 17

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 17:
I am resolved ...
To keep a civil tongue and a mild manner and pray for the Holy Spirit's help in this - that I may conform to the image of my beloved Saviour and be a man of salt and light, in the world but not of it.

1 Peter 3:10
Ephesians 4:29
James 3:9-12
Luke 6:45
Romans 12:2
John 17:16
Matthew 5:13-16

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Resolution 16

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 16:
I am resolved ...
To look up to stronger brothers and sisters in the faith. To support them and pray for them and thank God for them and their example.

1 Thessalonians 5:12,13
Acts 14:23
1 Timothy 5:17-18
Romans 15:14
Colossians 3:16

Monday 5 December 2016

Resolution 15

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 15:
I am resolved ...
To look after my weaker brothers and sisters in the faith. To disciple them and shepherd them where I may without quarrelling over disputable matters or hollow philosophy.

Romans 14:1, 15:1
1 Corinthians 8:9, 9:22
1 Thessalonians 5:14
Colossians 2:8
Galatians 5:15
Ephesians 5:6
Matthew 28:19
Proverbs 27:17
1 Thessalonians 5:14,15

Stones And Palms (an original poem)

 ‘Cry out stones!’ sang the palms,
‘for these, our bearers, cannot shout
The hail of the universal king
As He turns their logic out.
Like a rudder the size of a hand,
Upon a ship of seven oceans,
That achieves the impossible steering
And defies inertial motion.’

‘Wave!’ the stones replied,
‘for we are too heavy to dance,
And though we live ten thousand lives,
This season’s crop has chance,
To suffer the donkey’s footsteps
And play a susurration.
In this short time that binds all times,
Let us aid His coronation.’

Friday 2 December 2016

Watchfire (an original poem)

The warm sun caresses the frosty face
that has long kept watch in the winter night
with a light that feels like a long summer love
though  the  season  has  passed  as  day  to night.
How treacherous the promise of lasting warmth
that is made at the break of the awaited day,
but the noon always comes and the sun soon sets;
our hopes are broken as the blue skies grey.
In  the  coming  dark,  cold  armies  of  fear
besiege in their ranks and our watch must be set:
first, second, third, fourth, but none sleep with ease
for who rests in such coldness
and yet...
There is a light that shines outside of time,
in  spite  of  days,  years  and  ice-ages;
a warmth that burns in the cold without fuel,
without flicker though the storm about rages.
We shall not wait for the slow coming dawn.
We shall not cry in the night when its cold -
not stumble, not fear, but sleep in sure peace
when the warmth of the light of the Lord
makes us bold.

Resolution 14

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 14:
I am resolved ...
To study the scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, that it becomes evident – even obvious – to myself that my knowledge of them has grown. With diligence and the help of the Holy Spirit to write them on my heart.
1 Peter 3:15
Psalm 119:11, 97
Psalm 37:31
Psalm 40:8
Psalm 1:2
Colossians 3:16
2 Timothy 3:16
2 Timothy 2:15

Thursday 1 December 2016

Resolution 13

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 13:
I am resolved ...
To love the Word and examine the scripture and - should it so lead me - to abandon cherished notions and traditions or ideas that are extra to or contrary to scripture.

2 Timothy 3:16
2 Timothy 2:15
2 Peter 1:21
Colossians 2:8
Jude 3
Galatians 1:8
Psalm 19:7–14
John 10:27

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Resolution 12

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 12:
I am resolved ...
To contend for the faith and the true gospel to my last breath without shame nor hesitation so help me o God.

Jude 1:3
Galatians 1:8
2 Corinthians 11:4
Matthew 10:32
Philippians 1:20-22

What Is The Role Of A Father?

To demonstrate persistently and, as far as possible, consistently to my son how a biblical husband practically loves his wife; and to likewise show my daughter what kind of man she should one day accept as her own husband. To describe these traits long after they have seen me living them before their eyes. With God’s help to share the gospel and sound doctrine and experiences of holy worship and honest prayer with my children daily and in all circumstances. To live an exemplary life that they might see in their dad a man dedicated to obeying God and living a blameless life but, because I will fail at this sometimes, for them to also see what repentance looks like.
May the Holy Spirit help me to do all this. Oh that all Christian fathers walked this way.

Monday 28 November 2016

Okham's Scissors (an original poem)

There is a place between blades
Where there are two simple ways;
Where there is freedom to trim
And the foolish heart stays.
On the one side of the cut
There is the fabric we use
On the other side the throw away.
But damaged the threads that do not choose,
They hang in the tailor’s air -
Motes of regret  and the snip is their song
Of sorrow for not being part of the suit.
No choice is choosing to do wrong.
Before the cut and before I die,
Lord, on your side of the cloth am I.

 A poem against prevarication and agnosticism

Thursday 24 November 2016

Resolution 11

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 11:
I am resolved ...
To recognize each discipline from God as the love of a concerned parent. To humbly track back what behaviour might have caused such chastisement and to repent of it swiftly and with gratitude for his correction. To continue to ask him to refine me and prune me that I might be a man after his heart and a delight to him who has given more than I can ever know.

Proverbs 3:11, 12
Proverbs 12:1
Hebrews 12:4-13

Resolution 10

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 10:
I am resolved ...
To recognize each assignment from God as a gift - a real occasion to live out my faith and begin to thank him in more than words.

1 Samuel 12:24
Colossians 3:17, 23-24
Deuteronomy 13:4
James 1:22
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Ephesians 5:20
Luke 17:11-19

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Resolution 9

   Based on Jonathan Edward's resolutions I have written 25 of my own (Edwards had too many and they were written in old English). I have spent a few years meditating on them and they have been a great help. Maybe they will edify and inspire you. Here is number 9:
I am resolved ...
To act with prudent haste in all the Lord's work for me while taking care to avoid presumption.

James 4:13-17
Proverbs 19:2
Proverbs 21:5
Psalm 119:60
Luke 9:59-60
Psalm 27:14
2 Peter 3:8
Lamentations 3:25-26

Ban The Burka

Reduction helps make large amounts of information palatable and memorable, but the problem is that when we reduce a statement to just three words then other people come along, others who have not seen nor considered the original detail, and they draw all sorts of emotional conclusions out of those few reduced words. 
 This is one of the huge problems with Internet memes, with headlines and taglines et al. Take the phrase “ban the burka”. Emotional late comers or trouble causers or simply folks who are just not giving enough thought to these things will immediately flesh out these three words thusly: “Ban the Burka at all times everywhere - make the Muslims submit and deny them their religious freedom”. But is this really what the burka ban is about? The original unreduced idea behind “ban the burka” is really something like this: “ban the burka in all places where anonymity is undesirable to the well-being of society – such as public office, education and law enforcement”. Let me develop this a bit… would a burka be allowed on a minister or even prime minister? Think about it – someone in a veil – their face hidden from the camera – gives a very important country-altering life-changing speech. Do we accept this? How do we know that the person giving the order is our elected official – if we cannot see her face? Would we be happy if Muslim policewomen began to wear burkas? Would you submit to questioning or even arrest by someone whose face is hidden? Really? 
And I know there are teachers who wear burkas – I find this very offensive. Children need to see facial expressions and to interact with adults positively. How does a school even know for sure that the burka-clad woman who has come in to teach that day is the teacher they hired? That they are the one who has a police check and is qualified and safe to teach the children? Another woman, of similar height and voice, could easily walk into a school one day, covered in black from head to toe and claim to be the teacher – who is going to know? Are we as a society going to wait until this happens and a child is hurt or taken? 
This may sound emotional but think of it logically – without a face there is anonymity – and anonymity is disastrous. Ban the burka in schools, public office and position of authority. We need to know who is leading us, who is policing us and who is teaching our children. So from this argument alone we can see that at least some banning of the burka is necessary. I’m sure other cases can be made – doctors? Actors?

I go a step further and say that the burka should not be allowed in public. How easy is it for a criminal to carry a burka in a tote bag, commit a crime and then slip it on and calmly walk past the police? Once again anonymity is disastrous. In a world where terrorists are abroad, the last thing we want is people to be freely allowed to go anywhere with their faces covered. I hate teenage hooded clothing and balaclavas for the same reason.

So where should the burka not be banned? At home and at mosque and at private gatherings. Simple.

I also note that the burka is not mentioned in the Qur’an nor the Hadeeth. It is not a religious requirement (see: Article written by a Leading Muslim Scholar)

But this blog article of mine is really about discernment – especially when it comes to headlines, taglines and memes. I’m urging people to recognize their own propensity to emotional adding when reading a reduced statement, to recognize the presuppositional lens they use when reading anything-(including this blog) and to recognize that we ALL do this.
I leave you with a recent example I saw on facebook:

Really? I don't think the Klan wears their coverings to work - do they? Do schoolteachers from the Klan go to school dressed like this? I hate the Klan and everything they stand for – it should go without saying, but clearly this meme is meant to cause emotional hype. And two more things – first it is actually factually incorrect (Klan hood is banned) and secondly this meme commits a bald category error: clan coverings are not the same issue as burka coverings. The cowards who wear Klan coverings would never dare to go out in public alone with one on – except on maybe on the 31st of October.
So as a Christian I write this article to point out the evil of the burka and to try to get people to see that a lot of stupid things are written online that, with some thought, can be seen to be nothing but emotional hype – unhelpful and destructive. Please stop sharing these types of memes and please do point out the error when one appears on your feed. Evil requires good people to do nothing. Watch, pray and contend for the truth!