Friday 9 September 2016

Tweet the Gospel Challenge

 As Christians we know that there are times when we can come alongside the unsaved and lovingly serve them and take time to present the Gospel with detail and clairity, to answer their questions and pray for them over months and years. This is wonderful and right, but often not practically the case. Sometimes we will only have a day with another person or family (maybe you set up next to them on the beach and strike up a conversation) or maybe you only have a couple of hours (perhaps at a friend’s barbeque) or perhaps only ten minutes (sitting in a waiting room) or two minutes (on a train) … and so on. We need to be able to present the gospel with great clarity in various sized ‘packages’ – from the delux: “I’m going to live with you and share with you for years” package to the: “since we have a few moments, I wonder how you feel about the claims that Jesus made” sized package. I was once challenged in church to present the Gospel from the pulpit in under two minutes.
I want to now extend that challenge to you – and make it even harder.

There are a lot of things we may want to include in a Gospel presentation but as the size of the “package” shrinks we are forced to consider what is really vital. So I got to thinking: how about a tweet?
FYI: Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets"

My challenge to you, dear reader, is to render the Gospel as clearly as you can in 140 characters or less. Enter your attempt in the comments below (and include your character count in brackets at the end - spaces and punctuation counts by the way) and then, if you have a twitter account tweet it as well.
(Don’t cheat by first reading other’s tweets to get ideas. Rather pray, sit with your word processor and try various drafts while watching the character count.)

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